Spindle for Turning and Milling Centers
High Speed Built-in Spindle
- Broaching Mechanism : HSK-T63
- Clamping Force : 1800 kgf±10%
- Maximum Speed : 15000 RPM
- Encoder : Square Wave-1024-PPR-TTL
- Surround Coolant System : Yes
- Cooling Method : Oil
- Min. Requests for Spindle Cooling (BTU/H) : 7500
- Motor Voltages : 380 V
- Motor Powers (Continual) : 18.5 kW
- Motor Powers (Max.) : 21.5 kW
- Motor Torque (Continual) : 61.6 N.m
- Motor Torque (Max.) : 71.5 N.m
The High Speed Built-in Spindle featured on the Posa Machinery Co., Ltd. website incorporates a permanent-magnetic synchronous motor and a specialized bearing structure that optimizes both high-speed rotation and rigidity. It supports customized features like an automatic tool clamping system, water-through capabilities, ring spray, and a closed-loop feedback system for excellent dynamic response. Designed for advanced multi-axis applications, it promises high productivity, energy savings, and reduced carbon emissions. This spindle reaches a maximum speed of 15,000 RPM and offers powerful motor specifications.